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To handle errors returned by Verified API endpoints, we recommend that you primarily use the respons body's data.errorCode, which is a Verified specific error code. See Error Codes below for descriptions of what each code means.

Error Type

This definition is also in Error in Types.

Error Type
"name": string,
"message": string,
"code": number,
"className": string,
"data": {
"errorCode": string
namestringPascalCaseName of the error"BadRequest"
messagestringSentence caseMessage for developer that explains the error"Additional information is required to source data for user: birthDate"
codenumber3 digits (0-9)HTTP response status code400
classNamestringkebab-caseClass of errorbad-request

Possible values (see Error Codes for details):

  • "ERR001"
  • "OCE001"
  • "OCE002"
  • "OCE003"
  • "OCE004"
  • "OCE005"
  • "OCE006"
  • "OCE007"
  • "OCE008"
  • "OCE009"
  • "OCE0010"
  • "OCE0011"
  • "OCE0012"
  • "OCE0013"
  • "OCE0014"
  • "OCE0015"
3 letters and 3 digits (0-9)Verified error codeVerified specific error code (see Error Codes)"OCE011"


Error Example
"name": "BadRequest",
"message": "Additional information is required to source data for user: birthDate"
"code": 400,
"className": "bad-request",
"data": {
"errorCode": "OCE011"

Error Codes

An errorCode is a Verified specific error code consisting of 3 letters and 3 numbers. Codes that begin with ERR are generic, and those that begin with OCE are specific to 1-Click Signup (OCE refers to a One Click Error).


Generic error

messsage"Generic error code"


General error for 1-Click Signup

messsage"1-click error code"


Unsupported phone number for 1-Click Signup

messsage"Unsupported phone number to use 1-Click"


Either phone or email is required for 1-Click Signup

messsage"Either "phone" or "email" is required"


User not found for 1-Click Signup

messsage"User not found"


User credentials or credential requests are missing for 1-Click Signup

messsage"User Credentials or Credential Requests are missing"


User identifier is missing for 1-Click Signup

messsage"User identifier is missing"


Mandatory credentials are missing for 1-Click Signup

messsage"Unable to use 1-click due to missing mandatory credentials"

This generally happens when the credential requests have mandatory credentials that data cannot be sourced for and for which user input is not allowed.


Invalid or expired verification code for 1-Click Signup

messsage"Invalid or expired verification code"

This only applies to a Semi-Hosted integration type.


Verification code is required for 1-Click Signup

messsage"Verification code is required"

This only applies to a Semi-Hosted integration type.


Missing required fields to autofill credentials for 1-Click Signup

messsage"Missing required fields to autofill credentials"


Additional information is required to source data for user: {inputs}

messsage"Additional information is required to source data for user: {inputs}"

The {inputs} included in message is a comma separated list of required additional information. Generally, it's a single item: birthDate.

Sandbox Birth Date Value

In Sandbox, for birthDate you need to use a value of "1989-08-01" to pass validation. Otherwise, you'll get a birth date mismatch error (OCE012 error code).


Birth date mismatch

messsage"BirthDate mismatch."
Sandbox Birth Date Value

In Sandbox, for birthDate you need to use a value of "1989-08-01" to pass validation. Otherwise, you'll get a birth date mismatch error (OCE012 error code).


messsage"No credentials found"


messsage"1-Click Request Expired"

This only applies to a Semi-Hosted integration type.


messsage"1-Click Not Found"