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All requests to the Verified API require an API key as an Authorization header value.

Your company account can have one or more brands, and each brand can have one or more API keys. Each API key is specific to a brand and an environment.

You can access and manage the API keys for your brands in the Verified Dashboard.

Why Multiple Brands?

Your company account can have one or more brands. Generally, you'll only need one brand, but there are some cases where it's helpful to use multiple. For example:

  • If you have multiple products: If you have products that go by different names, it can be useful to create different brands to help users know which product they're using 1-Click Signup for — and to help your team track metrics specific to that product.
  • If you want to try different brand settings: If you want to change brand settings without affecting your existing implementation (even in Sandbox), you can duplicate your brand and configure different settings on the new brand.