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Send an SMS to the user with code from the response body of POST /1-click.

We recommend using this language, where {Brand Name} is your brand name:

Enter this code to verify for {Brand Name}: code

For example:

Enter this code to verify for Hooli: 123456

How To Construct a Verification Link

You can also optionally use code to construct a verification link. For example, if url is a link to your application, you could:

  • Append code as a URL parameter to url: {url}?code={code}.
  • Set up your application to parse code from the URL.

Then, you could include language like this in the SMS:

Click this link to verify for {Brand Name}: {url}?code={code}

For example, if the url for the Hooli brand is

Click this link to verify for Hooli:


Our test user's phone numbers aren't valid phone numbers, so sending SMS to them won't work. You can simulate the SMS step by using the static verification code (111111), but we recommend instead using your own phone number(s) for testing, so you can send yourself real SMS messages.