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"Maximum input attempts exceeded. Please try again later."





When This Is Returned
When the maximum number of birth date attempts has been exceeded.
How to Handle
Consider flagging or restricting the phone number associated with the user, so a bad actor cannot keep trying new birth date values.

The inputs included in data.inputAttemptsExceeded is a comma separated list of inputs for which the attempts limit has been exceeded.

Currently inputs will always be birth date, SSN4, or both — see the examples below. The attempts limit for either type of input is 3.


We recommend using birth date over SSN4 when possible because:

  1. Users are typically more comfortable providing their birthday.
  2. Some users will have an autofill option for birthday from their browser or OS.
  3. Everyone has a birthday, but not everyone has an SSN.
Example: Birth Date Only
"message": "Maximum input attempts exceeded. Please try again later."
"data": {
"errorCode": "OCE019",
"additionalInputs": ["birthDate"],
Example: SSN4 Only
"message": "Maximum input attempts exceeded. Please try again later."
"data": {
"errorCode": "OCE019",
"additionalInputs": ["ssn4"],
Example: Both Birth Date and SSN4
"message": "Maximum input attempts exceeded. Please try again later."
"data": {
"errorCode": "OCE019",
"additionalInputs": ["birthDate", "ssn4"],