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Full Definition

We recommend looking at the partial definitions below under the integration type tabs (Hosted, Semi-Hosted, and Non-Hosted) because they show only the properties relevant to the integration type you choose. The full definition here shows all possible properties, but some may not be relevant to your integration type.

CredentialRequest Type
type: string,
mandatory?: "yes" | "no" | "if_available",
children?: CredentialRequest[],
description?: string,
allowUserInput?: boolean,
multi?: boolean

Most common values:

  • "PhoneCredential"
  • "EmailCredential"
  • "FullNameCredential"
  • "FirstNameCredential"
  • "MiddleNameCredential"
  • "LastNameCredential"
  • "BirthDateCredential"
  • "AddressCredential"
  • "Line1Credential"
  • "Line2Credential"
  • "CityCredential"
  • "StateCredential"
  • "ZipCodeCredential"
  • "CountryCredential"
  • "SsnCredential"
PascalCasenoneThe type of user data a credential has"FirstNameCredential"
mandatoryoptionalenumsnake_case"no"Whether the credential is required, not required, or required if available (accepted values "yes", "no", and "if_available")"if_available"
childrenoptionalCredentialRequest[]See CredentialRequestnoneList of child CredentialRequests relative to the parent CredentialRequestChild CredentialRequests with types "FirstNameCredential" and "LastNameCredential" relative to a parent CredentialRequest with type "FullNameCredential"
descriptionoptionalstringSentence casenoneText shown to the user on the form field corresponding to the credential"We are required by federal regulation to collect your SSN"
allowUserInputoptionalbooleanbooleantrueWhether to allow user input on the form field corresponding to the credentialfalse
multioptionalbooleanbooleanfalseWhether the credential should contain multiple values if availabletrue

With the Hosted tab active above, your brand's integration type setting should be set to Hosted in the Dashboard. See Determine integration type if you need help deciding which type is right for you.

CredentialRequest Type (Hosted Integration Type)
type: string,
mandatory?: "yes" | "no" | "if_available",
children?: CredentialRequest[],
description?: string,
allowUserInput?: boolean

Most common values:

  • "PhoneCredential"
  • "EmailCredential"
  • "FullNameCredential"
  • "FirstNameCredential"
  • "MiddleNameCredential"
  • "LastNameCredential"
  • "BirthDateCredential"
  • "AddressCredential"
  • "Line1Credential"
  • "Line2Credential"
  • "CityCredential"
  • "StateCredential"
  • "ZipCodeCredential"
  • "CountryCredential"
  • "SsnCredential"
PascalCasenoneThe type of user data a credential has"FirstNameCredential"
mandatoryoptionalenumsnake_case"no"Whether the credential is required, not required, or required if available (accepted values "yes", "no", and "if_available")"if_available"
childrenoptionalCredentialRequest[]See CredentialRequestnoneList of child CredentialRequests relative to the parent CredentialRequestChild CredentialRequests with types "FirstNameCredential" and "LastNameCredential" relative to a parent CredentialRequest with type "FullNameCredential"
descriptionoptionalstringSentence casenoneText shown to the user on the form field corresponding to the credential"We are required by federal regulation to collect your SSN"
allowUserInputoptionalbooleanbooleantrueWhether to allow user input on the form field corresponding to the credentialfalse



With the Hosted tab active above, your brand's integration type setting should be set to Hosted in the Dashboard. See Determine integration type if you need help deciding which type is right for you.

CredentialRequest Example (Hosted Integration Type)
"type": "AddressCredential",
"children": [
"type": "Line1Credential",
"mandatory": "if_available",
"allowUserInput": false
"type": "Line2Credential",
"mandatory": "no",
"description": "Apt/Unit #"
"allowUserInput": true
"type": "CityCredential",
"mandatory": "if_available",
"allowUserInput": false
"type": "StateCredential",
"mandatory": "if_available",
"allowUserInput": false
"type": "ZipCodeCredential",
"mandatory": "if_available",
"allowUserInput": false
"type": "CountryCredential",
"mandatory": "if_available",
"allowUserInput": false


1ClickEntity Type
"identifiers": {
[identifierKey: string]: string
"credentials": {
[credentialKey: string]:
string // Single string value when `multi` is false and `children` isn't included in the credential requests
| [string] // Array of string values when `multi` is true and `children` isn't included in the credential requests
| Object // Single object value when `multi` is false and `children` is included in the credential requests
| [Object] // Array of object values when `multi` is true and `children` is included in the credential requests
"metadata": {
"identifiers": {
[identifierKey: string]: {
[metadataKey: string]: string
"credentials": {
[credentialKey: string]: {
// Follows the same structure as `credentials` and maintains the same order for array items when `multi` is set to `true`
[metadataKey: string]:
string // Single string value when `multi` is false and `children` isn't included in the credential requests
| [string] // Array of string values when `multi` is true and `children` isn't included in the credential requests
| Object // Single object value when `multi` is false and `children` is included in the credential requests
| [Object] // Array of object values when `multi` is true and `children` is included in the credential requests
identifiersObjectSee aboveUser identifiers, keyed on identifierKeySee Example 1ClickEntity

Possible values (see identifiers for details):

  • phone
  • email
camelCaseThe type of identifier"phone"
credentialsObjectSee aboveUser credentials, keyed on credentialKeySee Example 1ClickEntity

Possible values (see credentials for details):

  • phone
  • email
  • fullName.firstName
  • fullName.middleName
  • fullName.lastName
  • address.line1
  • address.line2
  • address.state
  • address.zipCode
  • birthDate
  • ssn

The type of user data a credential has

metadataObjectSee aboveMetadata, keyed on metadataKeySee Example 1ClickEntity

Possible values:

  • id
  • verificationMethod
  • status
  • issuanceDate
  • expirationDate
camelCaseAny additional data that's not a user's identity data (identifiers or credentials)"verificationMethod"

The data keyed on a credentialKey will be one or more credential values. This data will have a type that depends on children and multi in the credential request:

  • Based on children:
    • If the credential request has children, each credential value will have type Object.

      Example: Credential Value of Type Object

      If the credential request has children:

      CredentialRequest with children
      "type": "AddressCredential",
      "children": [
      "type": "Line1Credential"
      "type": "Line2Credential"
      "type": "CityCredential"
      "type": "StateCredential"
      "type": "ZipCodeCredential"
      "type": "CountryCredential"

      Then, the credential returned will have type Object (and so will the corresponding metadata):

      1ClickEntity for CredentialRequest with children
      "credentials": {
      "address": {
      "line1": "5320 Newell Rd",
      "city": "Palo Alto",
      "state": "CA",
      "zipCode": "94303",
      "country": "US"
      "metadata": {
      "credentials": {
      "id": {
      "address": {
      "line1": "f5a4dc93-bc06-4bb8-bd05-17b5ba912bcd",
      "city": "efd3820f-676a-4db1-b63e-695b66ed8ba0",
      "state": "b65022a2-2016-41df-88f3-252e8e3a29c5",
      "zipCode": "b747ff84-39d8-4df9-98f9-24a465f1a9ae",
      "country": "d57a7bca-2a7c-4671-86ad-5647731cad02"
    • If the credential request does not have children, each credential value will have type string.

      Example: Credential Value of Type string

      If the credential request does not have children:

      CredentialRequest without children
      "type": "EmailCredential",

      Then, the credential returned will have type string (and so will the corresponding metadata):

      1ClickEntity for CredentialRequest without children
      "credentials": {
      "email": ""
      "metadata": {
      "credentials": {
      "id": {
      "email": "8a1d4e35-413d-496b-b499-8810b55cfb5c"
  • Based on multi:
    • If the credential request has multi set to true, the data keyed on credentialKey will be an array of credential values.

      Example: Array of Credential Values

      If the credential request has multi set to true:

      CredentialRequest with multi true, with children
      "type": "AddressCredential",
      "children": [
      "type": "Line1Credential"
      "type": "Line2Credential"
      "type": "CityCredential"
      "type": "StateCredential"
      "type": "ZipCodeCredential"
      "type": "CountryCredential"
      "multi": true
      CredentialRequest with multi true, without children
      "type": "EmailCredential",
      "multi": true

      Then, the data returned will be an array of credential values, so it will have type [Object] or [string] (and so will the corresponding metadata):

      1ClickEntity for CredentialRequest with multi true, with children
      "credentials": {
      "address": [
      "line1": "5320 Newell Rd",
      "city": "Palo Alto",
      "state": "CA",
      "zipCode": "94303",
      "country": "US"
      "line1": "9536 Meadow Dr",
      "line2": "Apt 301",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "zipCode": "94112",
      "country": "US"
      "metadata": {
      "credentials": {
      "id": {
      "address": [
      "line1": "f5a4dc93-bc06-4bb8-bd05-17b5ba912bcd",
      "city": "efd3820f-676a-4db1-b63e-695b66ed8ba0",
      "state": "b65022a2-2016-41df-88f3-252e8e3a29c5",
      "zipCode": "b747ff84-39d8-4df9-98f9-24a465f1a9ae",
      "country": "d57a7bca-2a7c-4671-86ad-5647731cad02"
      "line1": "6c7350bd-ea84-485b-baa8-fba3381cc859",
      "line2": "5311e2c8-67a1-4fe4-8ddb-88dc8a900915",
      "city": "c315d4ed-34c6-41a9-b7ca-c17cb4bac927",
      "state": "e3774b5f-0996-4dc7-a9b3-8ad24c9a286c",
      "zipCode": "abc2e42c-2864-4bf6-b262-05cb51416957",
      "country": "fca7d486-c99b-436e-9a92-95e221e4ba5d"
      1ClickEntity for CredentialRequest with multi true, without children
      "credentials": {
      "email": [
      "metadata": {
      "credentials": {
      "id": {
      "email": [
      Arrays May Be Single Valued

      An array of credential values may only include one value. If multi is set to true in a credential request, we'll return multiple values if we can source them (up to a maximum of 3). But if we can only source a single value, we'll still return it in an array, to ensure the data type is predictable.

      Multi Does Not Apply to Child Credential Requests

      The multi option does not work on children credential requests. It only applies to the parent credential request.

    • If the credential request has multi set to false, the data keyed on credentialKey will be a single credential value.

      Example: Single Credential Value

      If the credential request has multi set to false:

      CredentialRequest with multi false, with children
      "type": "AddressCredential",
      "children": [
      "type": "Line1Credential"
      "type": "Line2Credential"
      "type": "CityCredential"
      "type": "StateCredential"
      "type": "ZipCodeCredential"
      "type": "CountryCredential"
      "multi": false
      CredentialRequest with multi false, without children
      "type": "EmailCredential",
      "multi": false

      Then, the data returned will be a single credential value, so it will have type Object or string (and so will the corresponding metadata):

      1ClickEntity for CredentialRequest with multi false, with children
      "credentials": {
      "address": {
      "line1": "5320 Newell Rd",
      "city": "Palo Alto",
      "state": "CA",
      "zipCode": "94303",
      "country": "US"
      "metadata": {
      "credentials": {
      "id": {
      "address": {
      "line1": "f5a4dc93-bc06-4bb8-bd05-17b5ba912bcd",
      "city": "efd3820f-676a-4db1-b63e-695b66ed8ba0",
      "state": "b65022a2-2016-41df-88f3-252e8e3a29c5",
      "zipCode": "b747ff84-39d8-4df9-98f9-24a465f1a9ae",
      "country": "d57a7bca-2a7c-4671-86ad-5647731cad02"
      1ClickEntity for CredentialRequest with multi false, without children
      "credentials": {
      "email": ""
      "metadata": {
      "credentials": {
      "id": {
      "email": "8a1d4e35-413d-496b-b499-8810b55cfb5c"


1ClickEntity Example
"identifiers": {
"phone": "+10123456789"
"credentials": {
// Multiple emails because `multi` was set to `true` in the email credential request
"email": [
"fullName": {
"firstName": "Richard",
"lastName": "Hendricks"
// Multiple addresses because `multi` was set to `true` in the address credential request
"address": [
"line1": "5320 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"zipCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"line1": "9536 Meadow Dr",
"line2": "Apt 301",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zipCode": "94112",
"country": "US"
"line1": "7292 Hanover St",
"city": "San Jose",
"state": "CA",
"zipCode": "95122",
"country": "US"
"birthDate": "1989-08-01",
"ssn": "123456789"
"metadata": {
"identifiers": {
"verificationMethod": {
"phone": "otp"
// Follows the same structure as `credentials` and maintains the same order for array items when `multi` is set to `true`
"credentials": {
"id": {
// e.g. Follows the same structure as the email credential and maintains the same order for array items
"email": [
"fullName": {
"firstName": "2e6a7b9a-e93e-43ba-98a9-c554f4e16457",
"lastName": "9a5817ef-e621-4277-8c48-c8ee3776b6c4"
// e.g. Follows the same structure as the address credential and maintains the same order for array items
"address": [
"line1": "f5a4dc93-bc06-4bb8-bd05-17b5ba912bcd",
"city": "efd3820f-676a-4db1-b63e-695b66ed8ba0",
"state": "b65022a2-2016-41df-88f3-252e8e3a29c5",
"zipCode": "b747ff84-39d8-4df9-98f9-24a465f1a9ae",
"country": "d57a7bca-2a7c-4671-86ad-5647731cad02"
"line1": "6c7350bd-ea84-485b-baa8-fba3381cc859",
"line2": "5311e2c8-67a1-4fe4-8ddb-88dc8a900915",
"city": "c315d4ed-34c6-41a9-b7ca-c17cb4bac927",
"state": "e3774b5f-0996-4dc7-a9b3-8ad24c9a286c",
"zipCode": "abc2e42c-2864-4bf6-b262-05cb51416957",
"country": "fca7d486-c99b-436e-9a92-95e221e4ba5d"
"line1": "afdaca85-4abe-4c0d-910d-7f48261bcbe0",
"city": "cf17d0d8-08f3-4205-82a9-812a0be747da",
"state": "b1480256-bd81-4ed5-a748-62890304a2e3",
"zipCode": "62d14d62-bd4e-4175-8a0d-01f21a22d833",
"country": "baff8fea-34cd-451c-9324-ca0cf1582dd7"
"birthDate": "ec1ef0ce-eeed-46a4-94a9-29b46e64403d",
"ssn": "ec1ef0ce-eeed-46a4-94a9-29b46e64403d"
"verificationMethod": {
"email": [
"fullName": {
"firstName": "phone_carrier",
"lastName": "phone_carrier"
"address": [
"line1": "credit_bureau",
"city": "credit_bureau",
"state": "credit_bureau",
"zipCode": "credit_bureau",
"country": "credit_bureau"
"line1": "credit_bureau",
"line2": "credit_bureau",
"city": "credit_bureau",
"state": "credit_bureau",
"zipCode": "credit_bureau",
"country": "credit_bureau"
"line1": "phone_carrier",
"city": "phone_carrier",
"state": "phone_carrier",
"zipCode": "phone_carrier",
"country": "phone_carrier"
"birthDate": "phone_carrier",
"ssn": "phone_carrier"
"status": {
"email": [
"fullName": {
"firstName": "valid",
"lastName": "valid"
"address": [
"line1": "valid",
"city": "valid",
"state": "valid",
"zipCode": "valid",
"country": "valid"
"line1": "valid",
"line2": "valid",
"city": "valid",
"state": "valid",
"zipCode": "valid",
"country": "valid"
"line1": "valid",
"city": "valid",
"state": "valid",
"zipCode": "valid",
"country": "valid"
"birthDate": "valid",
"ssn": "valid"
"expirationDate": {
"email": [
"fullName": {
"firstName": "1871839024044",
"lastName": "1871839024044"
"address": [
"line1": "1871839024044",
"city": "1871839024044",
"state": "1871839024044",
"zipCode": "1871839024044",
"country": "1871839024044"
"line1": "1871839024044",
"line1": "1871839024044",
"city": "1871839024044",
"state": "1871839024044",
"zipCode": "1871839024044",
"country": "1871839024044"
"line1": "1875924280000",
"city": "1875924280000",
"state": "1875924280000",
"zipCode": "1875924280000",
"country": "1875924280000"
"birthDate": null,
"ssn": null



Risk signals are optional metadata fields that we can enable for extra cost. To enable them, please ask your Verified support representative or email us at

See Risk Signals on the Data page for details about each attribute.

RiskSignals Type
"overall": {
"score": integer, // on by default
"level": "low" | "medium-low" | "medium" | "medium-high" | "high", // on by default
"recommendation": "allow" | "flag" | "block", // on by default
"reasonCodes": [string] // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"phone": { // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"carrier": {
"id": integer,
"name": string
"reasonCodes": [string]
"email": { // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"reasonCodes": [string]

When enabled, the risk signals appear in identifiers metadata in a 1ClickEntity and in an error for the OCE017 error code:

"metadata": {
"identifiers": {
"riskSignals": RiskSignals,
OCE017 Error
"name": "BadRequest",
"message": "1-Click Blocked: Risk Score Too High",
"code": 400,
"className": "bad-request",
"data": {
"errorCode": "OCE017",
"riskSignals": RiskSignals


RiskSignals Example
"metadata": {
"identifiers": {
"riskSignals": {
"overall": {
"score": 0, // always enabled
"level": "low", // always enabled
"recommendation": "allow", // always enabled
"reasonCodes": [ // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"phone": { // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"carrier": {
"id": 0,
"name": "Example Carrier"
"reasonCodes": [
"email": { // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"reasonCodes": [


Error Type
"name": string,
"message": string,
"code": number,
"className": string,
"data": {
"errorCode": string,
"additionalInputs": [string], // only for error code OCE011
"inputAttemptsExceeded": [string], // only for error code OCE019
"riskSignals": RiskSignals // only for error codes OCE011, OCE012, OCE013, OCE017, and OCE019
namestringPascalCaseName of the error"BadRequest"
messagestringSentence caseMessage for developer that explains the error"Additional information is required to source data for user: birthDate"
codenumber3 digits (0-9)HTTP response status code400
classNamestringkebab-caseClass of errorbad-request

See Error Codes for possible values

3 letters and 3 digits (0-9)Verified error code"OCE011"
data.additionalInputs[string]camelCaseAdditional inputs to source credentials for user, where multiple values indicates inclusive OR (only included for OCE011)["birthDate", "ssn4"]
data.inputAttemptsExceeded[string]camelCaseInput(s) for which the attempts limit (3 for each input) has been exceeded (only included for OCE019)["birthDate", "ssn4"]
data.riskSignalsRiskSignalsObjectVerified risk signals associated with the 1-Click Signup event (only included for OCE011, OCE012, OCE013, OCE017, and OCE019)See RiskSignals example


Error Example
"name": "BadRequest",
"message": "1-Click Blocked: Risk Score Too High",
"code": 400,
"className": "bad-request",
"data": {
"errorCode": "OCE017",
"riskSignals": {
"overall": {
"score": 1000, // always enabled
"level": "high", // always enabled
"recommendation": "block", // always enabled
"reasonCodes": [ // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"phone": { // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"carrier": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Risky Carrier"
"reasonCodes": [
"email": { // add on (ask Verified support to enable)
"reasonCodes": [